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《新编英美概况教程》电子版-2004-5_第1版 (2004年5月1日)_周叔麟等编

《新编英美概况教程》《新编英美概况教程》电子版-2004-5_第1版 (2004年5月1日)_周叔麟等编


出版社:第1版 (2004年5月1日)






CHAPTER 1 PHILOSOPHY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Greek Rationalism Ⅲ The Middle Ages Ⅳ The Renaissance  Ⅴ Modern Philosophy Ⅵ Modern Philosophical Trends Ⅶ Summary CHAPTER 2 GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Ⅰ Introduction  Ⅱ General Characteristics of the United Kingdom Ⅲ Water: The Key Geographical Feature Ⅳ Geographical History  Ⅴ Surface Features and Geography--by Political Region Ⅵ Current Situation Ⅶ CommonwealthCHAPTER 3 HISTORY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Ⅰ Prehistory to the Norman Conquest Ⅱ The Making of a Nation: From:the NormanConquest to the Renaissance Ⅲ The Tudors: Sea Power and Protestantism Ⅳ Founding of the British Empire Ⅴ England in Revolution: Representative and Constitutional Government Ⅵ England in the Eighteenth Century: The Age of Reason Ⅶ Napoleonic Wars and a Century of Slow Reforms Ⅷ Nineteenth Century Imperialism Ⅸ Twentieth-Century England: Crisis of Identity AppendixesCHAPTER 4 BRITISH ECONOMY ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Highlights of Britain's Economic Development Ⅲ Britain's Prosperity Today Ⅳ Britain's Economic System: A Unique Mix Ⅴ Consumer Expenditure Ⅵ Industrial Structure and Output Ⅶ International Trade Ⅷ Taxation and Public Spending Ⅸ Economic PolicyCHAPTER 5 BRITISH CULTURE ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ The British People--General Traits  Ⅲ Entertainment  Ⅳ Conclusion CHAPTER 6 BRITISH EDUCATION Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ MedievalCHAPTER 7 GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Economic Activities Ⅲ Rural, Suburban, and Urban Living Patterns Ⅳ Physiographic Subdivisions of the United States Ⅴ Summary: The United States-- "A Land of Contrasts"CHAPTER 8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Native Americans Ⅲ Colonial North America Ⅳ The Founding of the United States Ⅴ Forming a New Nation Ⅵ Nationalism and the Economy Ⅶ Westward Expansion Ⅷ The Industrial Revolution and Social Reforms Ⅸ The American Civil War and Reconstruction Ⅹ Industrialization, Capitalism, and Monopolies Ⅺ The United States Becomes a World Power ⅩⅡThe Post World War Ⅰ Period ⅩⅢ World War Ⅱ ⅩⅣ The Post World War Ⅱ Period: The Cold War ⅩⅤ The Post War Period: Domestic Issues ⅩⅥ Conclusion  ⅩⅦ AppendixesCHAPTER 9 BRITISH AND AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Politics ⅢPolitical Legitimacy Ⅳ Absolutism and Constitutionalism Ⅴ Democracy Ⅵ Indirect or Representative Democracy Ⅶ Elections Ⅷ The Assembly Model Ⅸ Conclusion AppendixesCHAPTER 10 THE ECONOMY OF THE UNITED STATES Ⅰ Introduction and Overview Ⅱ History and Growth Ⅲ Commercial and Nonprofit Firms Ⅳ Households Ⅴ Government and the Economy Ⅵ International Trade  Ⅶ Problems and Challenges for the US EconomyCHAPTER 11 AMERICAN SOCIETY ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Individuals Ⅲ Families Ⅳ Groups Ⅴ Organizations Ⅶ Race and Ethnicity Ⅷ Other Social Issues Ⅸ Social Changes and Global ConnectionsCHAPTER 12 AMERICAN CULTURE ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Materialism and the Mass Media Ⅲ Individual Style and Personal Rites of Passage Ⅳ Manners Ⅴ Food and Meals Ⅵ Housing Ⅶ Pets Ⅷ Leisure Activities Ⅸ Holidays  Ⅹ American ValuesCHAPTER 13 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES ⅠIntroduction Ⅱ Issues in American Basic Education Ⅲ Higher Education Ⅳ Conclusion后记



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