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作者:刘沛 编


今年,剑桥商务英语证书(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)考试落户中国卜五个年头。
综观当前的图书市场,有关商务英语的教材和参考书不多,而将商务英语的系统学习和考试指导相结合的用书就更难寻觅了。本书适时地满足了广大学习者和考生的这一需求。命名为《新剑桥商务英语经典教程》有三个原因:一、参加本书编写的作者团队由具有丰富的商务英语教学经验和商场实战经验的大学教师、以及BEC考试辅导专家组成,在认真研究最新考试大纲的基础上,精心编写了本书;二、十个单元内容的选编涵盖了当今世界上最新的有代表性的商务素材,如美国可口可乐公司并购中国汇源案;三、每个单元都包含听、说、读、写四个方面的练习,在题型和难度上进行了严格的测试和筛选。教学性很强,同时也适合考生循序渐进准备BEC Vantage(中级)、BEC Higher(高级)的考试。


Unit One Work Roles & CommunicationUnit Two Establishing Business Relations & Entertaining a ClientUnit Three Company Structure & StocksUnit Four Brand Power & Global Brands.Unit Five Mergers & AcquisitionsBEC Vantage Model TestUnit Six Business Ethics & Environmental ReportUnit Seven Corporate Culture & Culture DiversityUnit Eight Business Expenses & Business Trip.Unit Nine Staff Movtivation & RecruitmentUnit Ten Entering a Market & Global Sourcing.BEC Higher Model TestKeys


The Success of Starbucks
Because of rapid globalization over recent years, the competition around the world becomesmore intense, especially for the service industry with the similar products. The most critical pointfor business to succeed is not only the quality of products they supply, but the atmosphere ofcooperating and the amount from yield of teamwork in retail sales. The employees who always dealwith customers and can realize what customers really need are first-line staff. Therefore, it turnsto be essential for companies to motivate, reward and train their employees to be the best qualitypersonnel.
Starbucks began by three friends,Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker, who kneweach other in the University of Seattle. In 1971, the first name of their store is "Starbucks Coffee,Tea, and Spice" in Seattle, Washingtons Pike Place Market. Starbucks Corporation, the mostfamous chain of retail coffee shops in the world, mainly benefits from roasting, selling special coffeebeans and various kinds of coffee or tea drinks. It owns about 4 000 branches in the whole world.Moreover, it has been one of the most rapidly growing corporations in America as well. The reasonswhy Starbucks is worldwide popular are not only the quality of coffee, but also its customer serviceand cozy environment. Starbucks establishes comfortable surroundings for people to socialize witha fair price, which attracts consumers of various ages to get into the stores. Besides, it is also notedfor its satisfaction of employees. The turnover rate of employees at Starbucks was 65% and the rateof managers was 25% a year. However, the rates of other national chain retailers are 150% to 400%and 50% respectively, Compared with them, the turnover rate of Starbucks is much lower thanother industries on average. As a result, Starbucks would be one of the optimal business models forcooperation and teamwork.
Teamwork can not only construct a small social structure in organization for employees tosocialize, but also is a composite of various kinds of members who are equipped with differentbackground of skill and knowledge on account of the mission. Each member plays an important rolein the teamwork:therefore everyone in that team can meet their need for getting acquainted withdifferent colleagues and learn new skill from each other. Thus the definition of teamwork is a socialsystem including more than three People in an organization or context. These members identifyothers as one member of the team and they have the same goal.
The CEO of Starbucks corporation, Howard Schultz, considers that the tip of success inStarbucks is not coffee but employees, especially the cooperation among employees——teamwork.
I. Equal treatment

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