全书共分上、下册,共有20个单元。每单元分Text A和Text B。Text A为精读,文章后面配有练习。我们编写时尽量使其形式新颖、实用,有利于达到提高专业英语应用能力之目的。Text B为泛读,每篇文章均有详细注解,有助于同学们课外自习。此外,本书还摘录了一些有关科技工作者如何书写科技论文、口头进行科技报告的技巧与方法以及科技英语方面文体风格的短文,语言风趣、幽默。相信研修本教程的学员定有耳目一新的感觉。
Unit 1Text A Landmarks of Modern Science (1)Text B Landmarks of Modern Science (2)Preparing Technical Articles for PublicationUnit 2Text A The Finding Devices in a Scientific Reference BookText B Nanometer and New Superconductive MaterialUnit 3Text A The Modern Popular ScienceText B Modern Managing TechnologyWriting Scientific EssaysUnit 4Text A From GATT to VVTO--The Institutionalization of WorldTrade ( I )Text B From GATT to WTO--The Institutionalization of WorldTrade ( II )Unit 5Text A New Horizon for Tomorrows Electrical and ElectronicEngineeringText B World Wide WebAppeal to ReadersPractice Exercise IUnit 6Text A Scientific Knowledge and the Young ScientistText B Measurement of Electricity and Electric UnitsUnit 7Text A Vision 2020Text B Global Water ShortageImproving Oral PresentationsUnit 8Text A The AAAS MeetingText B El Nino and Air PollutionUnit 9Text A E-Business (1)Text B E-Business (2)Authenticity Beets EloquenceUnit 10Text A Virtual Reality TechnologyText B Taking Responsibility for the Survival of HumankindPractice Exercise IITest YourselfKey to ExercisesGlossary
Does adding more people tothe planet make society any worseoff? Lately economists have tended to reject gloom-and-doom scenar-ios of impending environmental catastrophe, concluding that popula-tion growth only slightly perturbs living standards. At the meetlng,however, two economists unveiled a new analysis suggesting thatmore people do impose a cost on society——one that could run thou-sands of dollars a head. If the analysis holds up in this hotly debatedarea of economics, the result could be "extremely important," sayspopulation biologist Jeol Cohen of Rockefeller University in New YorkCity. "It makes clear the interest of the present generation in slowingpopulation growth." Economists William Nordhaus and Joseph Boyer of Yale Univer-sity took a fresh look at the old question of how population growthmight affect a countrys economic well-being. They used global datafor 13 regions on gross domestic product (GDP), capital, and popu-lation from the 1960s to the 1990s to project the costs to society ofeach additional person, years into the future. The team went a stepfurther than other economists ,have by estimating, for the first time,the economic costs of a slightly warmer planet as each persons ac-tivities spew out more-greenhouse gases~. Also unlike previousmodels, the researchers analyzed .how parental decisions affect theeconomic well-being of not just the current generation but future gen-erations, through the 22nd century.