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《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》电子版-2010-5_世界图书出版公司_约翰·沃尔夫网·冯·歌德

《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》电子版-2010-5_世界图书出版公司_约翰·沃尔夫网·冯·歌德

《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》


《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》前言[E]


《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》内容概要[E]


《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》书籍目录[E]

FaustThe Sorrows of Yong Werther

《浮士德 少年维特之烦恼》章节摘录[E]

Everything conspires against me.I met Miss B-walking to-day.Icould not help joining her;and,when we were at a liRle distance fromher companions,I expressed my sense of her altered manner towardme.“0 Werther!”she said,in a tone of emotion,“you,who knOW myheart.how could you SO ill interpret my distress?what did I not SUfferfor you,from the moment you entered the room!I foresaw it a11,ahundred times was I on the point ofmentioning it to you.I knew thatthe S-s and T-s,witll tlleir husbands,would quit the room,rather thanremain in your company.I knew that the count would not break witllthem:and now so much iS said about it.”“Howl”I exclaimed.and endeavoured to conceal my emotion;for an that Adelin had mentionedto me yesterday recurred to me painfully at that moment.“Oh,how much it has already cost me!”said this amiable girl,while her eyesfilled with tears.I could scarcely contain myself,and was readv t0throw myself at her feet.“Explain yottrselfi”I cried.TearS flowed down her cheeks.I became quite frantic.She wiped them away,without attempting to conceal them.“You know my aunt,"she continued;“she was present:and in what light does she consider the affair!Last night,and this morning,Werther,1 was compelled to listento a lecture upon my,acquaintance with you.I have been obliged to hear you condemned and depreciated;and I could not-I dared not-say much in your defence.”

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