作者:王恩铭 编
Chapter 1 The American Land:A Panoramic ViewChapter 2 Human Resources:A Nation of ImmigrantsChapter 3 Human Resources:Ethnic Minorities in AmericaChapter 4 American Politics and GovernmentChapter 5 American EconomyChapter 6 American EducationChapter 7 Law and Judicial System in AmericaChatper 8 American Cultural ValuesChapter 9 Mass Media in AmericaChapter 10 Religio in AmericaChapter 11 American LaborChapter 12 American WomenChapter 13 American FamiliesChapter 14 Marriage and Divorce in AmericaChapter 15 Mass Leisure in AmericaChapter 16 American SportsTest Yourself:100 QuestionsBibliography
The love of place was the earliest pulling force that broughtimmigrants to the American shores. The settlers came fromcountries of their own where they had loved the familiar land, skies,rivers and hills. The American landscape in their eyes was strange,untidy and mysterious. The continent was wild, vast and grand with aluxuriance of plant and animal life that struck all the early explorers whobrought with them "the eye of discovery. " They liked the place anddecided to stay and live there. Out of their extraordinary experienceswith the new environment, they created a nation called the UnitedStates of America.
It has been said that America is a nation with an abundance ofgeography but a shortage of history. There is some truth in thisstatement. After all, it took less than 400 years for the national territoryto expand from 865,000 square miles of the original 13 states, with apopulation of 3.9 million, to 3,549,000 square miles, with about303.8 million people living in todays 50-state U. S. A. In fact,Americans took over the bulk of their national domain within the lastcentury and a half. Even today, much of the United States remainsonly thinly populated and hardly tamed by civilization.
Every nation is, in part, a country and, in part, a people. Thecountry of the United States is one of great opportunity and one ofconsiderable challenge as well. Opportunity consists of the favorableposition of America, its spaciousness, and the wealth of naturalresources. Challenge lies in overcoming the physical barriers of reliefand distance, and the hazards of flood, drought and frost. In theprocess of conquering the continent, Americans have reshaped the faceof their land, leaving behind them a record of glorious achievements aswell as dismal failures. Reversely, in their constant intimate encounterswith that massive land, Americans themselves have been shaped andreshaped by the entirely new environment, molding and forging theirnational character in a unique fashion.