本系列用书每册共10个单元,其中8个单元是《大学体验英语综合教程》相关各单元的配套练习,每单元由听力理解(Listening Comprehension)、词汇练习(Vocabulary-Exercises)、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、综合运用(Integrated Skills)和写作(Writing)五部分组成。
本书是第三册。听力理解部分包括复合式听写(Compound Dicrtation)、信息摘要(NOte Taking)、多项选择(Mul-tiple Choice)和简短回答问题(Short Answer Questions)四种题型,内容涉及与该单元主题相关的短对话(ShortCony,ersations)和短文(Passages)。词汇部分包括词型转换(Word Forms)、词义引申(Word Inference)、词义匹配(Matching)三种题型,其中词义判断部分所选词汇均出自后面的阅读理解文章,作为学生进行阅读练习的词汇准备。阅读理解部分包括多项选择(Multiple Choice)、简短回答问题(Short Answer Questions)和正误判断(True DrFalse)三种题型,共三篇文章。综合部分包括英汉互译(Translation)、完形填空(Cloze)和辨错改错(Error Correction)三种题型。写作部分包括实用文写作(Practical Writing)和普通写作(General Writing)各一篇。
此外,本书还配有两套阶段性自测题(Self-assessment Test),分别安排在第四单元和第八单元之后。便于学生检测学习效果,调整学习重点。自测题的设计原则与单元配套练习相同:突出学生英语实用能力的培养。自测题包括听力理解(Listening Comprehension)、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、综合运用(Integrated Skills)和写作(Writing)四个部分。为方便学生使用,本书所有练习及测试均附有答案及听力原文。
《大学体验英语一课一练3》是普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《大学体验英语》的系列配套用书。本系列用书在题型设计上紧扣《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》,帮助学生提高实战能力;在内容安排上与《大学体验英语综合教程》和《大学体验英语扩展教程》各单元主题密切相关,便于学生活学活用,举一反三。 本系列用书每册共10个部分,其中8个单元是《大学体验英语综合教程》相关各单元的配套练习,每单元由听力理解、词汇练习、阅读理解、综合运用和写作五部分组成。《大学体验英语一课一练3》为第二册。听力理解部分包括短对话、短文、单词听写、复合式听写、正误判断和简短回答问题等题型,内容与该单元主题相关。除单元配套练习外,《大学体验英语一课一练3》还配有两套阶段性自测题,分别安排在第四单元和第八单元之后。便于学生检测学习效果,调整学习重点。自测题的设计原则与单元配套练习相同:突出学生英语实用能力的培养。为方便学生使用,本书所有练习及测试均附有答案及听力原文。
Unit 1 Caring for Our EarthUnit 2 Nobel Prize WinnersUnit 3 Famous Brand NamesUnit 4 Cloning and EthicsSelf-assessment Test (Unit 1 Unit 4)Unit 5 Lifelong EducationUnit 6 Travel Around the WorldUnit 7 Drug AbuseUnit 8 Conflicts in the WorldSelf-assessment Test (Unit 5 Unit 8)Keys to ExercisesTapescripts
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.
One of the most successful commercial products ever launched is said to have come about as the result of a mistake. In 1896, Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, was selling a nerve tonic (滋补品) known as"French Wine Cola-Ideal Nerve Tonic" . By accidentally adding fizzy water instead of still water to the recipe, a pharmacist called John S. Pemberton invented what has today become the most popular soft drink in the world: Coca-Cola. Along with its closest rival -Pepsi-which appeared on the market three years later. Coke has enjoyed phenomenal success worldwide, particularly in the past fifty years.
What could possibly account for the amazing success of Coca-Cola? How has this combina- tion of carbonated water(苏打水), sugar, acid and flavourings come to symbolize the American way of life for most of the world? After all, even the manufacturers could hardly describe Coke as a healthy product since it contains relatively high amounts of sugar (admittedly not the case with Diet Coke which contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar) and phosphoric (含磷的) acid, both of which are known to damage teeth.
One explanation may be found in the name. The original recipe included a flavonring from the coca plant and probably included small amounts of cocaine (an addictive substance), but since the early part of this century all traces of cocaine have been removed. However, Coke (like all cola drinks) also includes a flavouring from the cola tree; cola extract contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, and the Coca-Cola company adds extra caffeine for good measure. While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit as a result.
A more likely reason for the enduring popularity of Coke may, however, is found in the companys enviable marketing strategies. Over the years it has come up with some of the most memorable commercials, tunes, slogans and sponsorship in the world of advertising, variously emphasizing international harmony, youthfulness and a carefree lifestyle. Few other companies have been able to match such marketing ploys (策略) so consistently or effectively. As suggested earlier, the influences of American culture are evident just about everywhere, and Coca-Cola has somehow come to represent a vision of the United States that much of the rest of the world dreams about and aspires to. Perhaps drinking Coke brings people closer to the dream.