本教材(第三版)由复旦大学、北京大学、华东师范大学、南京大学、四川大学、苏州大学等高校的资深教授、英语教学专家通力合作,修订编写而成。英籍专家Anthony Ward协助编写与审阅。是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,曾获全国高等学校第二届优秀教材特等奖和国家教委高等学校第二届优秀教材一等奖。
Unit 1 How to Be a Successful Language LearnerUnit 2 ParentsUnit 3 Children's EducationUnit 4 The Generation GapUnit 5 Mobile PhonesUnit 6 CompassionUnit 7 The Child in Our Heart (Part 1)Unit 8 The Child in Our Heart (Part 2) Test Yourself 1(Unit 1-8)Unit 9 Famous WomenUnit 10 SuccessUnit 11 Summer JobsUnit 12 War and FamilyUnit 13 Born to BuyUnit 14 Memories of the PastUnit 15 Self-EsteemUnit 16 Mistaken IdentityTest Yourself 2(9-16)Appendix 1 Tape Scripts and Key to Test PapersAppendix 2 Presupposed Word ListAppendix 3 Glossary
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: What is a librarian?A person who sits at a little desk,mlking in a very low voice,taking booksfrom peoplewho bringthemback,makingthempayiftheyhavekeptthemtoolong,and stampingthe dateonbooksthat aretaken out?Certainlynot!Thatisthework ofthemostjuniorpersoninthelibrary.To become aqualifiedlibrarian,youfirst havetoworkin alibraryto getfirst-hand expefi-ence ofthe work.Then you go to a special library school,usually for two years.If you pass your ex-alTlS successfully,you may apply fur a senior post in a public library.Many librarians are universitygraduates,andthey only have to spend one year training instead oftwo. Every English town(and many large villages too)has a public library.The Head Librarian hasthe important task ofdeciding in which way to spend the money provided by the local govemment.He buysthe books.Sohemust knowthe community helivesin,andwhich booksthe peopletherewant and need most.A public library in an agricultural area,for example,would not have very muchdemand for a book on air pollution in large cities.However,people in the area may be smding anysubject under the sall,and these students quite often depend on the services of their public library.Librarians are usually asked to advise on the design of new library buildings.