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王宗炎序导读1 Introduction1.1 Sociolinguistics1.2 Sociolinguistic Phenomena1.3 Speakers and communitesa1.4 Summary and conclusions2 Varieties of Language2.1 Introduction2.2 Languages2.3 Dialects2.4 Registers2.5 Mixture of varieties2.6 Conclusions3 Language,Culture and thought3.1 Introduction3.2 Linguistic and cultural relativety3.3 Language and thought3.4 General Conclusions4 Speech as social interaction4.1 The social nature of speech4.2 Speech as a signal of social identity4.3 The structure of speech4.4 Verbal and non-verbal behaviour4.5 Malefemale differences in speech5 The quantitive study of speech5.1 Introduction5.2 Methodology5.3 Linguistic variables5.4 Influences on linguistic variables6 Linguistic and social inequality6.1 Linguistic inequality6.2 Subjective inequality6.3 Linguistic incompetence:strictly linguistic inequality6.4 Communicative incompetence:inequality in communication7 Theoretical sommary7.1 Introduction7.2 The social functions of language7.3 The structure of language文库索引


This new edition of R.A.Hudsons widely acclaimed textbook Sociolinguistics will be welcomed by students and teachers alike. To reflect changes in the field since publication of the first edition in 1980, the author has added new sections on politeness, accommodation and prototypes;and he has expanded discussion of sex differences in language use.and the relationship between language and thought.over a third of the second edition is completely new,and there is one entirely new chapter,but ample coverage of classic topics such as varieties of language,speech as co\\social interaction,the quantitative study o speech and lihnguistic and social inequality ,remains.like the first,the second edition of sociolinguistics is an exceptionally clear and helpful overview of the relationship of language and socicty.

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